
Shilajit ! The Indian Viagra


Shilajit ! The Indian Viagra


One of the most popular herb in Indian traditional system that is a perfect solution to sex related problems with impressive health benefits is Shilajit.

Shilajit as a gap filler

Shilajit is one of the most potent aphrodisiac medicine that has been mentioned in Ayurveda, the Indian System of Medicine. Well known as ‘sex tonic’, “Indian Viagra” or ‘destroyer of weakness’ due to its expertise to enhance the core energy for sexual drive and work on urogenital system. In sanskrit writings Shilajit is also listed as the “healing agent” and used in ayurvedic health practices oftenly.

  • Sanskrit name: Shilajit, shilajatu.
  • English name: Mineral pitch and mineral wax.
  • Latin name: Asphaltum and black Asphaltum.

In ayurveda it is designated as Shilajatu i.e Shila means “rock” and jatu is “resin like substance or an exudates that ooze out from layers of rock in the mountains”. In some textbooks the word jatu means “invincible” - the one which cannot be defeated with the sense of its utilization among wide range of ailments. Therefore we can easily conclude that shilajit doesn't have a restricted realm and can be used for various benefits. Shilajit builds our body strong as a rock while abolishing various ailments from the body.

Anecdote: It is stated that the Indian langurs usually go to the mountain regions in the summers and they were seen consuming the dark coloured material that drips from the cracks of the rocks. After conjectures, observations are made that this material is the main reason for their strength, stability, power, efficacy and longevity which is shilajit.

How it works…?

According to ayurveda the action of shilajit can be easily revealed by the following points:

  • Rasa: Bitter, Salty, Pungent, Astringent
  • Virya: Heating action
  • Vipaka: Pungent
  • Guna: Light and dry
  • Impact: Balances both Kapha and Vata but may slightly increase Pitta.
  • Purified Metallic preparations: Action of shilajit also depends upon its types and used accordingly by the ayurvedic physicians :
    • Swarna shilajit (containing maximum gold)
    • Rajat shilajit (containing mainly silver)
    • Tamra shilajit (containing mainly copper)
    • Lauha shilajit (containing mainly iron)
  • Key factors:
    1. Shilajatu is blessed with the fulvic acid in its most natural and purest form that influentially dilate the cell walls to transport minerals deep into the cell.
    2. It has been found that shilajit contains approximately 85 minerals.

Action of asphaltum on various systems

Almost all the organs of our body are benefited by this miraculous medicament as shilajit works at the cellular level, not superficially.

On Reproductive system:
  • Males: It is frequently used in erectile dysfunction, nocturnal emission (swapnadosh), oligospermia, infertility, impotency and in various other types of genital disorders. The main aim of asphaltum is to increases sperm count i.e the quantity of semen, enhance sex drive/ libido, promote strength plus helps in maintaining the balanced flow of testosterone. It is rewarded with the appellation of an aphrodisiac.
  • Females: This is also found to be useful in females in cases like leucorrhoea.

On Nervous system: Shilajit has an excellent effect on vatta dosha due to its hot potency which benefits in nervous system related disorders such as stress, mental fatigue, epilepsy, anxiety and depression. It can also promote better concentration, learning abilities and memory.

On Digestive system: Shilajit has a hub of minerals in it which exists in ionic form as a result these minerals act as gastric tonic and helps in proper digestion as well as absorption of the food. Due to its outstanding qualities it keep diseases like jaundice, lack of appetite, gastric ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, dehydration, nausea and vomiting at bay.

On Respiratory system: Shilajit is a very effective medicine for respiratory disorders like cold, cough, associated allergies, weakness, tiredness, lethargy, etc. While going up high in the mountains, an imbalance in the oxygen level is created generally which furthermore causes hypoxia like conditions. Asphaltum is very efficient in coping with these ailments and situation like poisoning from carbon dioxide in hilly areas.

On Urinary system: Shilajit helps in proper maintenance of kidney function, urine elimination, treats kidney stones, burning sensation of micturition, incontinence of urine due to enlarged prostate and many more.

On Circulatory system: Shilajit also keep an eye on the circulatory system and check problems like painful bleeding piles, blood pressure, varicose vein, high cholesterol levels in the blood stream, anemia, etc. As we know that presence of trace minerals enhance its working ability hence utilized for iron deficiency. Purest form of fulvic acid in asphaltum take the iron into the body making it bio-available to the cells.

Others: There are numerous additional benefits of shilajit such as its effect in arthritis, joint inflammation, blood purification, diabetes, various skin ailments, damaged muscle tissues, osteoarthritis, porous, high blood sugar and neutralization of free radicals makes it unique.

Check shilajit purity at home !

After reading this article you definitely want to go with Shilajit but one hurdle that you might face is purity of the supplement.

  • Leave the shilajit in water and if it dissolves completely by itself than the shilajit you are using is pure.
  • Put shilajit in a bowl, add little amount of mercury and some water to it. After 5 minutes if mercury gets dissolved in the shilajit, than its pure.
  • Try to dissolve shilajit in alcohol. Pure shilajit is insoluble in alcohol.

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