
Giloy: The root of immortality


Giloy: The root of immortality


The first decoction revered by grandmother during seasonal changes that not only balances and enhances the immune system but also increases non-specific immunity.


The immune system of our body does a wonderful job by evading unwanted foreign bodies year-round. Especially during cold and flu season it avoids both sniffled and feverish flu elements. But sometimes our immune system fails and these foreign bodies invades successfully by making us sick. Since, the entire world is attracted to Ayurveda for its immense treatment practices with natural resources. Hence, we all should acquire the benefits from our ancient remedies to make our body battle against these foreign bodies. In our series #SacredIndianHerbs, the sixth plant is Giloy which is a common ingredient to several ayurvedic medicines and protects our body by boosting the immunity.

Scientific name: Tinospora cordifolia
English name: Heart leaved moonseed
Common name: Guduchi, Giloy

Giloy is referred to as “Amrita” in ayurveda meaning ‘the one that does not dies and let die’. It's the root of immortality as per our vedic texts. Giloy is a climbing herb which is very easy to grow. Stem is a main medicinal part of it. However leaves are also used in liver diseases. The plant can be cultivated by the stem cutting method. Even a small stem becomes a fully fledged climber in a couple of years. The best idea is to make it climb a neem tree to compound the benefits.

Giloy impression on us

Immunity booster: All seasons have their own beauty, but some diseases becomes more common in particular season such as cold & cough in winters, rashes & diarrhea in summers, malaria & dengue in monsoons. These seasonal diseases causes various symptoms in body like lethargy, tiredness, fever, body pain etc and decreases the immunity power. Giloy in ayurveda is known as the best immune modulator. Because of rich antioxidant properties it improves health and helps in fighting various infections. Thus consume the decoction of giloy along with black pepper and kalmegh, during seasonal changes and enjoy good health throughout the year.

For dengue & malaria: Giloy being antipyretic in nature reduces the sign and symptom of several conditions like dengue, swine flu, and malaria. It reduces fever and infection in the body. For home remedy, crush giloy stems into powder form. Soak about 10 g resultant powder overnight in water. Filter and consume it either with warm water during winters or normal water during summers. It will enhance the significant number of platelets and lowers down the body temperature. If fever is taking time to subside then consume this decoction 4-5 times a day.

Chronic fever: Sometimes, people develop fever without any obvious reasons and usually persist ‘off and on’ for more than three weeks. This type of fever is commonly known as “fever of unknown origin”. So, along with dengue/malaria, giloy is also helpful to cure such kind of unknown origin fever. The same decoction can be taken as mentioned above.

Liver disorders: Giloy helps to vitalize the liver and prevent any further damage. It prevents from diseases such as Jaundice. In this case if we consume giloy wrapped around neem, then it will be highly beneficial. Easy remedy for liver disease - add giloy powder to the boiling water. Let water evaporate on slight flame. When the mixture turns to a thick paste, then dry it under the sunlight. Make tablets once paste is completely dry and consume these tablets daily in the morning and evening after meals. This will make your liver strong and help to prevent from various liver disorders such as jaundice etc.

Diabetes: If you are suffering from diabetes, then this wonder herb would definitely be effective for you. Giloy has antidiabetic properties as regular intake of its extract results in significant reduction in blood and urine glucose levels. Moreover, it also lowers the levels of blood pressure and lipids too.

Skin disorders: A healthy skin means a hurdle for the infectious agents to enter the body. Giloy has anti-aging as well as blood purifying properties. So it aids in various skin problems such as wrinkles, premature aging, freckles and age spots. It is also effective in skin infections like eczema, rashes, or various other skin infections. For better and healthy skin, you can consume giloy juice daily or at least for 15 days.

Giloy: A heavenly nectar

Till now we are aware of the various benefits of this herb. To derive maximum benefits from it daily, we can consume this amrit in other ways too.

Giloy Satva: It is an efficient ayurvedic formulation that helps in treating chronic fever and liver disorders, improving immunity, and detoxifying the body. It also helps to keep the pitta dosha balanced. Hence prevents from diseases such as burning feet, heartburn, skin rashes, constipation and corrects liver functions etc. Method of Preparation - Cut down Giloy stems of the size of thumb. Crush and soak them in water for 24 hours. Next day you will see some starchy material in the water. Separate this starchy material and discard the woody part. Dry it under sunlight and this is known as Giloy Satva. You can consume 2gm of giloy satva daily. Although Giloy satva is easily available in the market, but the homemade satva is inimitable.

Amritarishta - Self generating alcohol: An ayurvedic medicine in fermented liquid form containing alcohol in the range of 5-10 % and Giloy as a main ingredient herb. It does not get spoil easily and can be preserved for many years. It is an easy way to consume giloy that helps to cure diseases and providing youthfulness. Amritarishta is a bitter tonic that improves the immunity and has antidiabetic, antipyretic, antirheumatic and anti inflammatory properties. It is considered safe when taken under professional supervision in recommended dosage. Amritarishta formulation is also easily available in the market.

There are research studies being conducted on how giloy can help in severe conditions like cancer. This shows the immense potential of Giloy which has so much in store for us to promote our good health. So try out Giloy, definitely to soothe all your problems and experience why it is regarded as a Heavenly Nectar.

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